Mrs. Wells in a Nutshell
25+ years experience. National Board Certified Teacher. Writer. Finalist, Florida Teacher of the Year. Married. Two kids. Two dogs. Good cook. Better reader.
Contact Info
Email is my preferred and quickest contact method, or you may complete a Contact form. I will endeavor to return phone calls and voice mails within two school days.
❖ Email (preferred)
❖ Phone
407.355.3200, ext. 6052821 VM: 6054821
❖ Address
Dr. Phillips High School
6500 Turkey Lake Road
Orlando, FL 32819
An infographic-style course syllabus which explains the major goals of the course, the grading policy, and my expectations for student work and behavior, may be accessed here. Visit the Resources page to download the “fine print” copy of the course syllabus.
Grading Policy
Your work is your responsibility to complete, both accurately and on time. After school help is available if you need it, or you may call or email me with questions.
Grades are calculated on a ten-point scale. You may check your grades at any time using the ProgressBook online system. If you have a question or concern about your grade, please see me after school.
Makeup Work
Weekly assignments are posted on your class page. Many handouts may be downloaded directly from the page, but the rest must be picked up from me during class. Make sure you submit a written explanation to the Attendance Office to get your absence excused. NOTE: “I wasn’t here” does not excuse you from your responsibility to make up your work!
Classroom Behavior
I expect my students to act as young adults who are responsible for their own learning and accountable for their behavior choices. Along with district and school rules, the following rules apply to my classes:
❖ Come to class prepared to work and participate.
Bring your laptop to class every day. Yes, it should be charged. College-bound students should have more than one writing utensil available. I don’t care how heavy the book is; bring it to class with you anyway! Don’t wait for permission to read ahead. Homework should be done at home, not scribbled during the class before it’s due. Put away the phones and iPods.
❖ One person speaks at a time.
College is not a four-year episode of Maury. If everyone’s talking, no one can hear what anyone is saying. Please refrain from sharpening pencils or making other unnecessary noise when someone is talking, especially if that someone is me!
❖ Respect everyone’s personal space and property.
Keep your mitts to yourself! The scissors, stapler, tape, and 3-hole punch on the counter are for your use. Put them back where they live. Art supplies and highlighters need to be returned to their bins when you have finished using them. Everything on my desk is off limits unless I tell you personally otherwise.
❖ Keep your seat and other work areas clean.
Maid service is not included in your room rate. Use the trash cans and recycle bin. Stack books neatly; don’t just chunk them at the closest flat surface or leave them on desks for someone else to pick up after you. Put things away. Push chairs in.
❖ Exhibit professional workplace language and behavior.
This should go without saying, but there is the occasional student who forgets that we’re in class and not in a hip-hop video. Watch the language, please. Save the texting, tweets, Instagram, and Facebook posts for after school. Have a seat. Pay attention. Who knows? You just might learn something.