Design Steps 5 and 6


  • Download the Design Process Guide for STEP 5.
  • Meet with your team to evaluate the results of your tests. Discuss any last minute adjustments you may need to make and execute them.
  • On your Design Process Guide, write an evaluative statement connecting the results of your tests to your hypothesis statements made in STEP 3 on that worksheet. Be sure to follow the prompt for this.   You will also make one more hypothesis anticipating how your dragster will perform on the test track with a COcartridge.  Upload worksheet to Edmodo when completed.
  • Write a reflection for STEP 5 on the Six Steps of Design worksheet.


  • Download the Design Process Guide for STEP 6. You will use it to record data collected from the test track.   You will also write a final evaluative statements tying track performance to the hypothesis.
  • Dragsters will be photographed for the design categories of the competition.
  • You will gather as a team and present your dragsters to the class, discussing the entire team approach to solving this problem. Your team will then test your dragster on the test track racing against other teams.   The data will be collected and used for the competitive scoring based on the Categories for Scoring
  • Be sure to paste the photographs of your dragsters to the Design Process Worksheet so it can be used for the design competition.
  • Write a reflection for STEP 6 on the Six Steps of Design worksheet.
  • Create a desktop folder named with your team name that includes the ONLY the following items:
    1. Completed Six Steps of Design Worksheet
    2. A picture (pictures) of a team dragster to be entered in Category 3.  Be sure to name the .jpg or .png file Category 3.
    3. The 3D Modeling Drawings for a team Dragster to be entered in Category 4.  Be sure to rename the .skd file Category 4.
    4. A picture (pictures) of the team dragster to be entered in Category 4.  Be sure to name the .jpg or .png file Category 4.

NOTE: One team dragster can be entered for both Categories 3 and 4.

NOTE:  The paper thumbnail and concept sketches submitted will be used in the judging for Category 4.