• Download the Six Steps of Design This will be used for reflections for each design step and be uploaded upon completion.  This will help you connect each step to make one whole process.
  • Download Team Building for Collaboration – Your first meeting with your racing team members will include a review of the competition in the Categories for Scoring.   Share ideas for solutions, and strategies for designing dragsters that can compete in each category.  Come up with a name for your team.  You will take hand written notes, merge them onto the worksheet, and upload it.


  • As part of your first team meeting, review the problem statement, design brief, criteria, and constraints.
  • On your Six Steps of Design worksheet, write a summary of this problem in the STEP 1 field.


  • Each individual student will download the Design Process Guide for Step 2. Record the meanings for the vocabulary and answer concept questions.
  • Your second team meeting by reviewing the Categories for Scoring. Continue to develop your team strategy, based on how each individual student and dragster will fill a role in the competition.
  • As you discuss dragster designs, consider how physical science vocabulary and concepts will be applied to your design. You should base this on the vocabulary and concepts that you documented on the worksheet.
  • As a team, conduct additional research to support your ideas. A list of links to suggested web resources is available at the end of this resource site.  Record information you gathered, along with the source (website name, URL, etc.)
  • Each student on the team should create at least five thumbnail sketches showing ideas based on the strategy and competitive role that the dragster will have for the team. The sketches should show understanding of thumbnail sketching, based on teacher demonstration.  Additionally, they show some understanding of physical science concepts.   Team members should help each other through this process.  Click here to open samples of thumbnail sketches.  Submit them to your teacher.
  • Write a reflection for STEP 2 on the Six Steps of Design worksheet.