Urbanspoon- free

Urbanspoon is a database of local restaurants that chooses a users restaurant for him.  When a user inputs his location, price range and cuisine preference then shakes the iPhone or iTouch a restaurant within the parameters is randomly selected.  If not satisfied with the selection one can shake again to get another restaurant.  Once chosen, a restaurant’s location, details and menu are displayed by Urbanspoon along with reviews of the restaurant.

Amazon’s Kindle- free

With dozens of book apps for the iPhone or iTouch it can be hard to choose the perfect one.  However, the Kindle app from Amazon makes the decision easy, with its incredibly vast market of books, some of which are free.
Just a swipe of one’s finger turns the page.  Other features of the Kindle app include the ability to change font-size, colors, display, add bookmarks and navigate easily through the chapters.  A problem with the app is its interface.  The app requires switching back and forth from the Internet to the app which can become tedious.

Pandora- free-

Pandora allows a user to create his own custom radio stations with selected songs and artists and referrals from those to similar artists or songs.  The app allows one to rate a song up or down which will lead to further suggestions.  The concept is perfectly suited for mobile devices and Pandora’s smooth interface gives a feel of the classic music player on the iPhone and iTouch.
Rolando- $2.99

While there are numerous fun and free games on the Apple app market, Rolando is worth the charge.  One of the original big hits on the app market, the classic adventure game continues to please.  The app places the user in an imaginative world where you help the Rolandos defend their kingdom from invaders.  Rolando integrates with the iPhone and iTouch controls beautifully as one is required to tilt, tap, multi-tap and swipe to control the interactive environment.  Rolando now has a sequel, Rolando 2, for $4.99.
Associated Press Mobile- Free

The Associated Press Mobile news network is the cream of the crop of mobile news.  The slick interface displays international and national news and sports, business and celebrity stories, among other categories.  The app uses mobile device’s global positioning system to show local news and weather.  AP Mobile gets the job done with no extra features to slow you down.

By admin

I love WP, Online Learning, Podcasting, Microsoft Office Applications, Video editing software, I can train on Mac OS X or Windows operating system, Web Design Software, Pasco Science probeware, iOS Devices, Web 2.0 Applications, Blogging

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