During "Missa Kenya" senior Bryanna Alford watches chorus director Jussi Doherty for direction. photo/THOMAS BOYD


On Monday night, Dec. 13, the Boone Chorus performed their winter concert. The concert featured Missa Kenya, a five-part performance written by Dr. Paul Basler after his 14-year residency in Africa; it featured the combined singing of all four choruses.

“[The best part of the concert was] all of the separate choruses being together because we never get to see the guys. It sounds a lot different when you get to hear all eight parts instead of four,” sophomore Skylin Whitmer said.

In addition to Missa Kenya the individual choruses performed separate arrangements. Ladies’ Choir performed “Beautiful December” by Amy Bernon, Concert Choir performed “Linus and Lucy” an a cappella arrangement of the classic theme of  “Peanuts” by Vince Guaraldi, and the Women’s Choir did “Jing a ling, Jing a Ling” by Mac Huff featuring solo’s by Whitmer and sophomore Adena Labovitz.

“[When you have a solo] you have to be really animated and have a lot of energy,” Whitmer said.

The combined choirs sand “Little Drummer Boy” and “Peace on Earth” to finish the evening of music.

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