11 ways to live by in 2011


1. Save more, spend less

In this bad economic time, the word money doesn’t always put smiles across a person’s face. Probably, more often than not, money situations may bring some negative emotion. So, instead of being the same old spender, whether one has the money to do as one pleases or not, try to be money smart. Save $50 from every paycheck, three dollars from every allowance and a fourth of birthday money to get  into the habit of saving. Also, try not to waste money. Eat at home rather than out, carpool or take the bus, even ride a bike or walk.

2. Eat healthier

People want to lose weight and think they need a harsh diet or a rigorous workout schedule. Really, what most Americans need to do is eat healthier, which not only improves weight but also overall health. Eating more fruits and veggies, less carbs and the biggest thing: water. Even if one can’t drink eight glasses, at least five would not only help take away some cravings one may have but it will also keep one fuller longer.

3. Get organized

Organization can be hard with a daily schedule that is a little hectic but it’s time for a little improvement. Organizing ones desk and clean out ones closet. The less clutter, the more room to organize. Buy a planner. Keeping a to-do list sometimes isn’t enough, having a planner to keep track of ones day and upcoming events is a great way to have a stress-free and more organized life.

4. Optimism

One way to improve the year is to stay optimistic. Make yourself happy. It is great to help others but its also important to help one’s self. So smile, get a manicure, have a guys/girls night with friends and get to GTL-ing on while you kick back and watch the new season of Jersey Shore.

5. Quit bad habits

It’s time to leave those bad habits behind. Put the cigarettes down, quit biting nails and quit fighting with the fam. The biggest of these is smoking. That cancer stick will eventually be the death of one’s self. Yes, everyone will die but this is an instance where one wouldn’t want it to come sooner rather than later. Plus, think of the money saved.

6. Family time

This year, try to make it a point to spend time with family. Teenager you say? Have a life? Too busy? None of those really matter. It’s never too hard to spend a little time with the people who love you most.

7. Help others

There are so many people in the world that are less fortunate. Though one may not be able to help the people in China, Orlando is filled with people that need you. So take some time out of that busy schedule and do something kind for someone else. Feed the homeless, donate to Goodwill and volunteer some time somewhere it is greatly needed. Even doing a good deed once in a while may suffice.

8. Take a fun vacation

Because one saves their money now, one can afford to spoil one’s self a bit. It may take a little saving but it’s time to get away from it all and really explore somewhere that one would enjoy being.

9. Learn something new/pick up a hobby

Maybe math isn’t for some people, but one could definitely learn something one enjoys doing. Like to dance? Try salsa dancing or belly dancing. Like skating? Try ice-skating or wake skating. Through this, one could also pick up a new and fun hobby as well.

10. Go for all A’s

It seems untouchable to some right? But even if one strives for all A’s and doesn’t get it, trying ones hardest will have the best outcome. Think about your teachers. Most, when they know that one is giving ones best effort, are willing to help one with ones grades. So when shooting for all A’s, one may not get them but A/B honor roll isn’t too shabby. Plus, ones family will be extra proud.

11. Become greener

Slowly, but surely, the people of the world are killing its natural resources. As an individual, do the right thing to stop this by conserving energy and being less wasteful. Use recycled paper, turn off lights and use reusable water bottles. These little steps, and others, can’t hurt.

By admin

I love WP, Online Learning, Podcasting, Microsoft Office Applications, Video editing software, I can train on Mac OS X or Windows operating system, Web Design Software, Pasco Science probeware, iOS Devices, Web 2.0 Applications, Blogging

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