Everyday he slouches out of bed and trudges into school. He absentmindedly sits through seven periods and considers the day a success if he overcomes the temptation of taking a cat nap. However, a solution to his lack of energy can be summed up in one word: coffee.
One cup a day will keep the sleepiness away. Coffee should be sold on campus because the caffeine will keep students awake, alert and ready for any lesson assigned. For too long the student body has been lifeless in the morning and nothing but empty shells wandering through the halls. Give the students life. Caffeine will provide the kick that teenagers desperately need to get going. Let’s face it: morning classes are wasted when the teacher’s lesson goes in one ear and out the other. There might as well be no first period at all.
With the perfect touch of sugar and the proper dosage of caffeine, coffee can be used as the school’s secret weapon to creating a more perceptive student body.
In these times of economic struggles and limited school budgets, coffee could be a welcomed new source of income. Revenue is revenue, and even if it is only a few bucks a day, every cent is a contribution. If the Reservation started selling coffee, it could establish an additional source of income. This cash flow would also be consistent, unlike the allotted amount of money received through the budget. This underfunded school is in need of relief; coffee could provide this.
Timber Creek High School, an affluent Orange County public school, has an on-campus Barney’s Cafe. Is it any wonder that Timber Creek’s financial status is in amazing shape? In addition to the funds they receive from the county, the school also has the on-campus cafe contributing to its budget. Boone could get in on this. Coffee is an easy solution that makes consumers happy and schools’ wallets full.
Everyday people pollute their bodies with energy drinks such as Rockstar or Redbull. These over-sized beverages leave teens jacked up on enormous doses of sugar. Students can almost see their peers vibrating down the halls because of such products. If one cup of coffee was available for a teen everyday, the consumption of energy drinks on campus could be reduced.
Coffee is a natural substance brewed from a variety of beans. Energy drinks are full of heavy doses of sugar and unnatural stimulants. According to Dr. Dave Costill, the energy drink Amp can lead to obesity, high blood pressure and heart disease. Teens should not fill their bodies with synthetic energizers, but rather with the soothing brew of Mother Earth. Do away with abhorrent beverages and adopt nature’s stimulant.
Coffee and Rockstars serve the same purpose: to awaken the drinker. Yet unlike energy beverages, coffee serving sizes can be regulated. Each Rockstar drink has a serving size of two, but the label is constantly ignored by consumers in search of a boost. Coffee is a healthier alternative, so long as the sugar placed within one’s coffee is monitored. To eliminate the risk of such harmful beverages, the Trading Post should provide a fair sized cup of quality joe for the student body.
The campus needs to wake up and take notice of the ever brewing solution. Coffee is a friend. Embrace its rich taste, its energetic qualities and its economic advantages.
We definately need coffee, a lot of kids would buy it. I know I would