With the new movie in the Twilight series, Breaking Dawn: Part 1 grossing $488,832,009, the public is reminded that mediocrity can be successful.

The new installment in the Twilight Saga, a series that has grossed $2 billion overall, continues the absurd love story between the dull vampire Edward (portrayed by Robert Pattinson) and the melodramatic teen Bella (blandly played by Kristen Stewart). The film picks up with the two character’s wedding, which seems to drag on forever. The audience is then taken along to their honeymoon, which provides for some of the most awkward moments in cinematic history like Bella constantly pressuring Edward into sex.

Complications arise when Bella becomes pregnant. This results in a very disturbing birth scene. The film ends on a cliffhanger, begging audiences to see Part 2.

If one is not laughing at the Computer Generated Image scenes of talking wolves and Bella’s organs, one is falling asleep in his chair while he watches Stewart’s vacant expressions and listening to her droning voice. The one positive point of this disastrous film is the beautiful scenery, that takes place on a tropical island, “Isle Esme”, and in the scenic Pacific Northwest. However, even this could not save to corny dialogue.

All of this leads one to wonder why the film earned $30.3 million in midnight showings alone or why the books have sold 116 million copies worldwide. Apparently the teenage girl base buys into the cheesy romance, even though the fans deserve better.

The hysteria gets a bit more local with the Official Twilight Convention coming to Orlando. Celebrities from the films, like Nikki Reed who plays Rosalie, will be coming to the Hilton Orlando Resort in Lake Buena Vista. The convention is December 9-11.

Although the attention and admiration among the fan base will never cease, I would recommend that the average viewer save his money on Part 2.

By admin

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