Important decisions are being made as the year continues to progress. Especially for juniors and seniors, who are concerned with choices that may affect their future.

To be successful, students should be active and organized. It is imperative for students to make this a habit now. Students should also stay educated on current event issues.

In this issue, juniors are advised to keep an organized checklist of the tasks they need to complete before senior year arrives.

Consequently, most major application deadlines have passed, and seniors should now be concerned with scholarship deadlines. Since Bright Futures is not as abundant as previous years and because funding has decreased in the state of Florida, it is important to think about how to fund one’s post-high school education.

Being active is important in a busy student’s life because obesity is a prevalent problem in America. Students should focus on ways to keep a healthy lifestyle. Look at our Special section, pages 12 and 13, to learn about the harmful food one consumes at places like Taco Bell and McDonald’s. Also, students can learn how to stay in shape and eat healthy. Staying active relieves stress, reenergizes a person and keeps him healthy.

With the holiday season approaching, take exercise into consideration. It is said that people gain an average of seven pounds in the two months.

Staying informed about various issues and events is also essential in a student’s life. Readers should look to page 6 where two writers offer opposing views on Florida School Choice. It is a zoning plan that allows parents to choose the school they want their child to attend.

Also, look to page 10 for a world map showing current issues occurring all over the globe, especially in the Middle East, that affect the community.

On the other hand, every student needs time to wind down. For entertainment, take a peek at the back cover to see a recap of the events of homecoming week. Readers should look at page 21 for  information about local events, such as the The Senior Turkey Trot 5k on Nov. 24 at Lake Eola. The event raises money for senior citizens who are in need of meals.

Since this year is just beginning, consider using an organizer and exercise. These habits make future tasks easier.

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