SUPERHERO POWER. A Spiderman fanatic, senior Kaley Craig has his chest icon on arm. photo/TYLER PATRICK


Whether it is a name or a design, students are getting permanent body art: tattoos.

In just three years, from 2003 to 2006, there was almost a 9 percent increase in adults getting tattoos. The process of getting a tattoo may cause pain, bleeding and even more significant health problems.

If the needles, guns and other equipment used to apply the tattoo are contaminated, one is at risk of various diseases, including hepatitis and tetanus.

Not all reactions or health problems are as serious as a disease. The ink used in tattoos can cause allergic reactions and skin infections. Complications from tattoos may be irritation of the skin, causing bumps, redness or various symptoms.

Although there are different opinions on getting tattoos, students believe the artistic element outweighs the risks.

After admiring superheroes her whole life and wanting a tattoo of Spiderman for four years, senior Kaley Craig decided to get it.

“My mom was supportive of me. They think it is my body and I can do what I want with it. [My mom] understands my obsession with it,” Craig said.

Craig decided to get the tattoo because it encompass the power of superheros to her. She uses it as a reminder of how important it is that one always does what they feels is right and to be one’s own superhero.

As for the Torres brothers, senior Samuel and junior Samario, have similar tattoos of their last name though size and font differ.

“The tattoo expresses and symbolizes my family name. It means I take pride in my name,” Samario said.

The Torres brothers are not the only students who have tattoos to represent their family name and bond between members of the family.
Three brothers, sophomore Deion Thomas, junior Devin Thomas and graduate Derrick Thomas have a tattoo on their arms that Devin designed.

The tattoo is the letter D and the number three with a microphone. The letter represents the first initial of the brothers names while the number stands for each of the individual brothers.

“The tattoo reminds me of my family and brothers. [Derrick and I] really loved the drawing of the tattoo as soon as we saw. The microphone symbolizes the music we make, rapping, dancing and singing,” Deion said.

Like Devin, senior Emily Undieme designed her tattoo, her first name in cursive black ink with a little flower on her hip.

Getting the tattoo was also a meaningful moment for Undieme’s family.

“My step mom and I went together to get our tattoos done. It was an important moment because she was still new to my life, but now this memory and my tattoo will last forever,” Undieme said.

As for junior Samantha Bell, who has more than one tattoo, she confidently states there is a specific one she considers most important to her, her mothers’ name behind her ear.

Bell states the tattoo expresses how much she loves her mom. She made a promise to her mother that someday she would get a tattoo for her. Bell wanted to follow through with the idea and promise she had made to get the tattoo and display her love for her mother.

“My mom influenced me, she is my best friend. I always promised my mom I would get a tattoo with her name on it. Instead of chickening out, I just went for it,” Bell said.

Besides the permanent ink on their body, the memory of getting a tattoo will stay in these students minds and remind them why their tattoos are important to them.


By admin

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