At Colonial Lanes, the boys and girls bowling teams faced Cypress Creek on Oct. 10.
The boy’s team started strong with freshman Timothy Kaiser leading the team with seven strikes and a total score of 211 his first game.
In game two, junior Paul Perrault bowled a strike on his first and second frame and junior Daniel Cabrera bowled eight strikes in game two. Perrault and Cabrera helped the boys gain a 95 pin lead by the end of game two.
Ending game three, freshman Cristian Rhea bowled a spare on frame nine.
The boys defeated Cypress Creek 2403-2183.
For the girls, sophomore Victoria Allanson led the team, bowling strikes her first two frames. Her score was 125 by the end of the first game.
Kari Simmons bowled a spare on frame one and a strike on frame six during game three. But it was not enough for a win.
The girls lost 1508-1980.
The next bowling match is Oct. 16, where the team will face the Olympia Titans at Carver Lanes at 3 p.m.