meghan logoBy MEGHAN COTTON


DEAR MEGHAN: My so called “friends” pick on me all the time. I feel like I’m just there for their entertainment. What do I do about it because they are my only friends. #Friendless


DEAR FRIENDLESS:If the people you call your friends do not treat you as such, then they are not very good friends. My suggestion would be to tell them that you do not wish to be ridiculed. If they do not get the hint and continue to pick on you, stop hanging around with them. Your friends have become bullies. It is up to you whether or not you wish to continue being bullied. Stand up for yourself and see how they react to that. Remember, if they threaten you in any way or harm you, you should report it immediately to a resource officer or teacher


DEAR MEGHAN: Is sending my friends pictures of my homework cheating? It is just homework but still I feel wrong when I do it. How do I tell my friends no? #Conflicted


DEAR CONFLICTED:The definition of cheating refers to an immoral way of achieving a goal. When you think about copying someone’s homework, you are taking credit for the work she has done. No, it is not teamwork or sharing, it is cheating. So by sending them pictures of the work you have done, that is helping someone cheat. Simply tell them that it is wrong to copy your work and get full credit while you worked hard to get it done on time. If they do not seem to understand your reasoning and continue to ask, lie and say that you have not done it yet. Yes, I am telling you to lie. I am not a professional advice giver; I am simply human, as we all are.


Need some advice? Email me at Meghan

By Meghan Cotton

Editor-In-Chief, class of 2015. Varsity tennis and avid runner. Harry Potter nerd.

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