On April 15, the girls flag football team lost their first regular season game 13-12 in triple overtime to Timber Creek.
Though neither teams scored in the first quarter, sophomore Megan Gibson and senior Tykenia Chanthavong had flag pulls. In the second quarter, Timber Creek scored the first touchdown, but Sabdie Alvarado had a sack to keep them from scoring the extra point. At halftime, the score was 0-6.
Tying the score 6-6, senior Ashley Muse caught an interception and scored the first touchdown of the fourth quarter. To keep Timber Creek from scoring, senior Alexis Washington had a sack and seniors Chanthavong and Bailey Florin had flag pulls.
By the end of the fourth quarter, both teams remained tied and entered overtime, when neither team scored, the girls entered double overtime. Again, neither team scored, but Timber Creek had an interception forcing triple overtime.
Freshman Emily Colvin scored a receiving touchdown, making the score 12-6; however, they didn’t gain the extra point. Timber Creek followed with a touchdown and received the extra point, ending the game 13-12.
The next game is April 18 at Edgewater at 7 p.m.