varsity player Emily Colvin as she makes an
interception. photo/EMMA MCCLANE
The Lady Braves went head to head with the Ocoee High School Knights Monday, April 7, in the Norton Baker Stadium. The Knights proved they would not be another one of the Brave’s blowouts and scored a touchdown at the end of the first quarter.
After that, the Braves hit the play button and began to play well starting with junior quarterback Cassandra Ketchum‘s 15-yard pass to sophomore Katlyn Nicholson. Later in the second quarter, Ketchum threw a flawless pass to Emily Colvin scoring Boone’s first touchdown and bringing the score to 6-7, with Ocoee still in the lead. However, it didn’t take long for the Lady Braves to catch up when Colvin made an interception putting the girls in the offensive position. Shortly thereafter, the girls scored another touchdown with 20 seconds to spare in the first half.
The last half went by particularly fast due to mercy rule. Right off the bat, junior Megan Gibson made an admirable interception, which Ketchum then threw for a touchdown, bumping the score to 19-7. In the last quarter, the girls scored a final touchdown making the game 26-7, and freshman Haley Hadd made a clutch flag pull. The teammates on the sideline and fans in the stands cheered rambunctiously for the skillful underclassman.
The flag football team will be heading back onto the field today at Oak Ridge High School at 6 p.m.