On Sept. 16, Jameis Winston, star quarterback of Florida State University (FSU), stood on a bench in the student union and screamed an Inappropriate internet meme.
This insensitive and to say the least, stupid act by Winston got him suspended for the first half of the Clemson game tomorrow.
Boy, oh boy, will Jimbo Fisher, head FSU coach, and the rest of the team have to hold it together for 30 minutes while Winston is absent from the field and the Clemson Tigers take advantage of his stupidity.
The meme Winston thoughtlessly shouted for all to hear–students, faculty, administratives, has been sweeping college campuses all across the nation. “(Expletive) her right in the (expletive)” began when a reporter asked an old man a question during a live news broadcast and he responded with this vulgar comment. It has since turned into a meme that is not just flat outright offensive, but that is also sexist and demeaning towards women.
Now, of course, when Winston got up on his high horse and shouted to the heavens this obscene phrase most students laughed and some ignored it. No one really looked that deeply into the incident because what’s the big deal? Other college students say it at parties, tailgates, walking between classes and probably even in the library. A professional soccer player said it on the news after winning a game in the World Cup. Not only has this phrase gone national, it’s gone international.
So what’s the big deal with Winston saying it? Well to start, this phrase shouldn’t be said or heard by anyone. No matter how many people say it or how the media publicizes it this phrase is down right ugly, offensive and sexist. Also, Winston is a student athlete, which means he should be especially careful since more is expected of him compared to other students.
Let’s also point out the fact that this is not his first or second, but his third offense while being at FSU. After the alleged sexual assault charges against him, which did not result in criminal punishment, but are still being investigated by Title IX at the school and could result with penalties on campus, Winston then went on to steal crab legs from a local Publix. For the crab legs incident he, again, evaded criminal prosecution and instead received a civil citation in which he was expected to complete 20 community service hours. Now he’s shouted out some obscene phrase and given little punishment of a half a game suspension.
In the long run, how is the first half of one of the many games Winston will play going to affect his career? He’ll still be the 2014 Heisman winner. He’ll still be the number one ranked quarterback in college football. He’ll still be Jameis Winston. But what he’ll lack is maturity, character and respect.