STRIKE A POSE. Senior Daniel Cabrera sets his stance to bowl a turkey. photo/ DELANEE BOGAN
STRIKE A POSE. Senior Daniel Cabrera sets his stance to bowl a turkey. photo/ DELANEE BOGAN
PERFECTION. Senior Daniel Cabrera sets his stance to bowl a turkey. photo/ DELANEE BOGAN


At Colonial Lanes on Sept.19, the boys and girls bowling team played Freedom.

Getting the crowd excited, senior Paul Perrault bowled two strikes right off the bat. Senior Erin Dudley then got things started for the girls, bowling a spare and then a strike. Senior Daniel Cabrera kept things going for the boys bowling a spare followed by two strikes.

At the end of the first game the boys finished with Cabrera bowling a 199, Perrault with a 157, and sophomore Timothy Kaiser with 160.

Dudley started the second game with a strike followed by a spare.

Freshman Alex Slew bowled a strike followed by two spares. Senior Kari Simmons kept it going for the girls bowling four spares in a row.

At the end of the second game, Cabrera bowled a 235 with six strikes in a row.

During the third game, Kaiser bowled three strikes with juniors Morgan Rowland and Victoria Allanson each bowling a strike.

Helping the girls, Dudley bowled four spares and Allanson added two more strikes.

The final score was 1683-1803 for the girls, and 2434-1913 for the boys.

The next game is 2:45 p.m. Sept. 25, at Colonial Lanes against Edgewater.

By Nicole Ames

I love Cat Mendoza, Sarah Combs, and Ads:) And CHIPOTLE!!

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