NEW UPDATES (11/27/18)
For Band Members: If you’ve looked at Progressbok recently, you’ll see something new: “Playing Tests”. I will be going over the new system in class on Friday, here is the 1st draft of what they will receive:A MAJOR ANNOUNCEMENT REGARDING BAND KARATE 1.0 Please note that I’m still in the editing process on this. Ignore any typos, run-on sentences, and incherent information. That will all be fixed before the handouts go home.
Jazz Band, Orchestra 3, Small Change Strummers: The only change is in the weights of your grades.
The new weights for ALL Classes lass Participation: 30%, Concert Attendance 35%, Playing Tests 25%, Written Work, 10%.
The newsletter will have all of this information available. Band students will need to return a signature acknowledgement (through Canvas) that you the parent has read the new grading requirements.
NEW UPDATES (11/14/18)
LOTS-O-Updates today!!!!
Music Spirit Day!!!!
Let’s wear our Music T-Shirts (Band & Orchestra, Guitar, Jazz Band) this Friday and EVERY Friday!!
Friday 11/16: Jazz Band Courtyard Concert 9:00-9:20 AM
outside the band room doors (arrive at 830)
Thursday 11/29: Orchestra and Mr. Nichols’ Guitar Class 7:00 PM in the cafeteria (arrive at 6:30)
Tuesday 12/11: Chorus and Miss Wood’s guitar classes *note – this is a date change!!!
Thursday 12/13: Band Concert 7:00 PM in the gym (arrive at 6:30)
Thursday 12/20: Jazz Band Courtyard Concert 9:00-9:20 AM
outside the band room doors (arrive at 830)
TBA: Elementary School visit. Target date is between 12/3 & 12/18.
Groups, times (school hours), format also TBA0
GRADES!! Grades for PR 2 will be uploaded on Wednesday, 11/14. If your child has less than a 90, there are issues with participation and or talking. The further from a 90, the worse the situation is.
Students can ALLWAYS practice more. The band room is open every day from 9:00-9:25 for practice. Mr. St. Jean is open after school (for orchestra students) on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday.
I still need to schedule our officer training day. It will be after thanksgiving break, but before the band concert.
We are starting to have problems in the instrument locker room. Step 1 is to be sure that ALL lockers are secured with a combination lock. Step 2 is to keep the locker locked before during and after class. Step 3 is to make sure students ARE NOT MOVING LOCKS AROUND!!! Severe consequences are coming for failure to adhere to the locker room policies.
TAKE CARE OF YOUR INSTRUMENT. This is the time of year when we get carless damages to the instruments. Students using school instruments need to bring their $45.00 instrument repair donation.
Here is the Winter Concert Letter (Orchestra & Guitar) 2018. The band concert letter will be out soon.
There will be a newsletter out over the thanksgiving break.
Part of the newsletter will be a graded assignment through canvas
Part of the Canvas Assignment will be a Webpage Bonus grade.
Jazz Band, Orchestra 3 and Guitar Class have already had a playing test. There will be 2 or 3 more after the concert. Period 3 needs to stay tuned for Band Karate.
NEW UPDATES (10/8/18)
Today begins the last week of the 1st marking period! ALL makeup work and bonus grades must be in by 4:30 on Friday. Band, Guitar, Orchestra, Grades will be exported by 5:00 Friday. Check Canvas and the 10/3 update below for more information. Jazz band: please read the Jazz Page.
NEW UPDATES (10/3/18)
Just a quick one. With no planing period & 5-7 days a week soccer dada schedule, I’m not keeping up with the website. See below for a BONUS Bonus!!!
- The marking period ends on 10/12. If your grade is below a 70, you need to do the Google form from the 1st week of school. check “assignments” in canvas. The Canvas Bonus can be found in the announcements tab in canvas.
- NO STUDENT SHOULD HAVE A GRADE BELOW A 90!! If your child’s grade is below a 90, they need to make some adjustments.
- Band & Guitar shirt order forms need top be turned in ASAP. I’m hoping to get the shirt order turned in this weekend so we can have the Band T-Shirts in time for the Fall Band Concert on October 18th.
- Speaking of the Fall Band Concert: Thursday, October 18th is our first formal performance of the year ALL band classes will be participating!!! The “Fall Concert Letter” will go home on Monday, October 8th. Guitar & Orchestra classes will have their first performance on the November 29th Winter Concert.
- Do you have all of your equipment? Do you have 4 good reeds (reed players)? Do you have valve oil (brass players)? Do you have your own mouthpiece (students using school instruments)Do you have sticks & mallets (percussionists)? Do you have the correct book(s) for your class period?
- Band Karate for period 3 will begin after the Fall Concert. Band Karate for periods 5-7 will begin in November or December. Skill check #1 for Orchestra & Jazz band is already completed. Guitar Skill Check #1 begins Wednesday, 10/3 & Ends Thursday 10/4.
- ALL make up grades & Bonuses must be turned in or completed by Friday, 10/12, at 4:30.
- Here is your BONUS Bonus. Send this phrase to Mr. Nichols (you can email through Canvas): I READ THE WEBPAGE!!!!!
- Please note that the NEXT bonus will go live after October 15th, and will involve PARENTS responding via email or written note.
NEW UPDATES (9/25/18)
You will find the October Newsletter/Bonus here in about 2 weeks.
Jazz Band’s Courtyard concert scheduled on October 12th has been cancelled. FCA is holding their first huddle of the year on 10/12. We will have a Courtyard Concert on November 16th – the Friday before Thanksgiving break – to replace the October date.
NEW UPDATES (9/12/18)
I’m Back!!! Sorry for the lack of updates. Something happened and I’ve been locked out of the website. Whatever the issue was: It’s finally been resolved.
Please note that Jazz Band, Falcon Strings, and Small Change Strummers have their 1st Skill Check next Thursday. Band Karate for Symphonic Wind Ensemble will begin between September 24th & October 5th. Band Karate for Beginning, Cadet, and Concert Bands will start In November.
NEW UPDATES (8/18/18)
Our 1st Canvas assignment has been uploaded. Please complete the assignment by August 31.Students in more than 1 band class only need to fill in 1 google form.
See the 8/15 update for “homework”.
Band Handbook 2018.2019
CMS Guitar Handbook Nichols
Band & Guitar Calendar 18.19
NEW UPDATES (8/15/18)
Band/Orchestra/Guitar Homework
Jazz Band: watch this Video.
Guitar class: Download this. Guitar 101 PDF
Symphonic Wind Ensemble: download this.SB.WE Warm Up Packet . Also download your parts for the Star Spangled Banner and Fight Song from the MSN page.
Orchestra: Go to and log inot my old teacher account. ID & Password are both CMS2016. Orchestra 1look at the instrument videos. Orchestra 2/3 play along with the book tracks. Also download these files. 30DaysAltoClef 30DaysBassClef 30DaysKeySignatures 30DaysTrebleClef EE Notes & Theory.
Beginning, Concert, and Cadet Bands (Periods 5/6/7): 1. Watch the videos below (in the 8/14/18 update). There are a lot to watch. feel free to take until Monday or Tuesday to watch them all. Please download these files.
ALL CLASSES: Please take a tour of the website. We will eventually transfer all important info to canvas. Please give me some time. All students & parents please go over the handbooks & calendar found in the 8/14/18 update below.
NEW UPDATES (8/14/18)
Here is what we need for class today. Stay tuned for information about how you can get the handbook Signature form turned in. Tentative Due Date is NEXT FRIDAY!!!
Band Handbook 2018.2019
CMS Guitar Handbook Nichols
Band Room Procedures 18.19
Music Dept Calendar 18-19 Draft #3
Horry County School Fine Arts Video
Band Parent Homework Form ( October Webpage Bonus)
PARENT HOMEWORK!!! I’ve cleaned up the links and changed the 1st video (I forgot I had a better one saved)
This next one is very appropriate now that our 96 beginners have begun playing. Horry County School Fine Arts Video
Please read!
And Here’s something just for fun: Happy Friday