America has reached this time again. The time to start recording the newest episode of Glee so one can fast forward through all the political ads. Time to either put out yard signs endorsing a candidate or shoot those same yard signs with a paint ball gun to express one’s hatred of that candidate (Hi-Lights does not condone the act of using a paint ball gun as a weapon to vandalize and frowns upon any act of vandalism).  Yes, this year Americans will cast their ballot on who they think should run the country.

But, to much disappointment, the 2012 election has become less of an election and more along the lines of Vin Diesel’s acting career: a joke.

Before any election, of course, we must narrow down our options through what is called a primary.  And this election, given President Barrack Obama is seeking re-election, only the republicans hold a primary to decide who will run against President Obama in the general election.  But these primaries have lost their meanings and their purpose.  Instead of trying to pick the best candidate to represent them in the primaries, republicans are attempting to find the candidate who is the farthest from President Obama’s beliefs as physically possible.

Republican government officials have changed their opinion on major issues 24 separate times. And this was not just one or two radical republicans switching sides, republicans have moved in drones to the opposite side in fear that they might actually agree with President Obama.  From military intervention in the Middle East to social security, republicans miraculously changed their minds on huge issues when Obama became the president.

Let us use the DREAM Act as an example (to learn about the DREAM Act, refer to the page directly to the left of this one). In the 1980’s,  President Ronald Reagan gave amnesty to millions of illegal immigrants; even George W. Bush and John McCain were willing to work hand-in-hand with democrats to work out immigration reform.

But all of these efforts seized like the end of the Korean War after the 2008 election.  Republicans decided to pull a Mitt Romney and start focusing on militarizing the United States-Mexico border to keep the same immigrants out of the country that not eight years ago, were welcoming with open arms.

Republicans are against President Obama, and the purpose of the republican primaries is not to pick a candidate that best represents the republican people, but rather to pick someone opposite of President Obama.

Furthermore, the republican hopefuls are to elections as Escape from New York is to Kurt Russell’s career: not exactly a highlight. As previously mentioned, since Obama was elected, republicans have been against everything he has done and will do, so the officials the republican party asks to run were expected to be the “best of the best of the best…sir…with honors” (Men in Black) because the person who gets the nomination would have to be able make Obama a 1-term president.

One might remember in the beginning of the republican primaries, voters were acting a lot like goldilocks, except instead of three bowls of soup, there were eight republican candidates.  Voters jumped from one republican to the next, hoping to find the soup that was just right. Now the choices have been cut in half, but by no means does it help republican voters.

There are fewer choices, which should, in theory, mean an easier decision. But voters have to pick between a man who thinks Spanish is the language of the ghetto, a man who genuinely believes corporations are people, a man who’s views are too far to the left to even be considered  a moderate Republican and a man who believes that elderly people in the Netherlands wear “Do not euthanize me bracelets.”  This is sadly, the best the Republican Party has to offer voters.

Moreover, none of the republican hopefuls stand a chance against President Obama in re-election.  Barrack Obama, since he took office, has done amazing things.  General Motors was checking out when he took office and now they are the top auto seller in the world.  America’s consumption of oil is at its lowest in 16 years.  He ended a war for Pete’s sake! In his first term, Obama created over 3.1 million jobs; this is more than the amount George W. Bush created in all eight years of his administration.

None of the republican hopefuls can come remotely close to those accomplishments. Gingrich was brought up on ethics charges when he was the Speaker of the House, and the only notable accomplishment of Rick Santorum is that thanks to his dislike of the homosexual community his name has a special definition; (Google the word “Santorum” and the definition should be one of the top results).

America has been about expressing one’s self freely for many years but when it comes to running the country, our expectations should be a bit higher than The Pacifier and Babylon A.D.


By admin

I love WP, Online Learning, Podcasting, Microsoft Office Applications, Video editing software, I can train on Mac OS X or Windows operating system, Web Design Software, Pasco Science probeware, iOS Devices, Web 2.0 Applications, Blogging

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