The Florida DREAM Act is just another way for America to give away money that we do not have. America is currently $15.4 trillion in debt and that number is constantly rising.

This Act provides illegal immigrants with the opportunity to pay in-state tuition for college, instead of paying out-of-state tuition rates, or enlist in the military and get put on a fast track to citizenship, after five years of illegally living in America.

This bill is like ants to honey. It promotes immigrating to the U.S. According to the Department of Homeland Security, in 2010, there were 10.8 million undocumented immigrants in the U.S. If this bill passes, that number would likely skyrocket. The yearly annual flow of illegal immigrants has been dropping since 2000. Nothing will stop people who are thinking about migrating illegally to the U.S. if the DREAM Act passes.

Bright House Networks does not give discounted cable to people who have been stealing their neighbor’s cable. So, America should not give in-state tuition to illegal immigrants who have been living in our country for five years. According to the Center for Immigration Studies, America will lose $6.2 billion a year to the DREAM Act.

Illegal immigrants are draining America’s resources. If an illegal immigrant, who is living in America, gets a finger cut off and has to be taken to a hospital, the hospital is required to treat the person, even if the person cannot afford it, the person will walk out with a bandaged up hand without having to pay a single cent. So taxpayers  pay for that person’s hospital trip.

America provides enough of these public services for its citizens, not for these illegal immigrants. When people who are getting married send out invitations, they expect to receive an RSVP back so they know how much food to buy. They do not buy extra food for uninvited wedding crashers.

The theory behind the DREAM Act is kids who came to the country illegally will go to college, get a higher education  and become a functional member of society by getting a job and reinvesting into our country. The problem is not immigrants going to college, it is the part about these students getting jobs. With unemployment at an all time high, there are not enough jobs to go around. Until the economy turns around, we will lose money and as a result, a higher unemployment rate.

This Act is unfair to the people who became legal citizens the right way, because these people did not get a chance to receive in-state tuition before they moved to America. It is not always the child’s fault that they are here illegally, but  their parents should have thought ahead before they decided to cheat the American government.

The DREAM Act is only a valid idea if increased debt, drained resources and a higher rate of illegal immigration are appealing side effects. The Florida DREAM Act was not passed in 2012, but it will rear its ugly head again in January of 2013. So vote no to keep America out of debt.

By admin

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