On Saturday, March 4 campus clubs will beautify the school’s green spaces as part of the annual Green Up Boone. The event, which started over 15 years ago, revives the school ground’s beauty. Focus areas include the entrance planters and flowered areas, parking lots and commons.
“It is important that we take pride in the beauty of our campus,” Student Body president Kaitlyn Cullen said. “The little things like planting new flowers go a long way.”
SGA hosts Green Up Boone, and organizes those in attendance by alpha order. Once organized, students move to their designated areas and begin laying fresh mulch, planting new bushes and flowers and picking up trash and debris that sits in the green areas or on the sidewalk. This year, the city of Orlando supplies new flowers and mulch for the event, as well as tools and equipment.
Participants work 7:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Students sign in and register for their clubs outside the media center with SGA, and then receive their assignment to a specific plot. SGA also provides donuts and water at sign-in.
Green Up Boone, a campus-wide community service project, also serves as a way for club members to interact with one another and work together. Since the groups are organized by last names, club members disperse amongst other groups, accomplish tasks and support each other.
“The most exciting part of Green Up Boone is being able to meet new people and work with those in your club,” senior Dominic Orlando said.
SGA gives four hours of community service for participation. Students can pick up their hours at the end of the event.