A mechanic, a person that fixes thing. In this case he fixes the problems in peoples lives by killing their adversaries. The Mechanic follows elite hitman Arthur Bishop (Jason Statham- Crank, Transporter, Snatch) as he goes about his work. His contact at his “agency” is Harry McKenna (Donald Sutherland) who is portrayed as Bishops mentor and closest friend. Soon enough into the film we find out that the CEO of the company, Dean (Tony Goldwyn- The Last Samurai, Tarzan) wants McKenna eliminated for a job gone bad in Cairo. Since Bishop is his closest friend he is seen as the best asset to eliminate him. Once the deed is done Bishop attends McKenna’s funeral and finds his screw up son Steve McKenna (Ben Foster- 3:10 to Yuma, Pandorum, 30 Days of Night) and decides to take him under his tootalidge. What follows is one of the best training montages ever put to film. Once McKenna is trained we are introduced to the interesting juxtaposition between Bishop’s cold, calculated and methodical personality and McKenna’s rush in at the problem head on.

This is best illustrated during McKenna’s first solo job in which he is tasked with being seduced by Burke a 6′ 7″ 300lbs man who is a mechanic for another company.  He and Bishop plan to kill him by overdosing him with Ruffinal. However at the last second McKenna decides to throw the plan out the window and instead decides to get himself invited to Burkes house and kill him there with some good old fashion hand-to-hand combat.

This is where the mechanic shows its strengths; its combat sequences are next to none. The gun play is viscerally satisfying with each headshot resulting with a healthy splattering of the “pink mist” and the fight scenes seem to have extra thought put into them. Each one being masterfully choreographed by Sam Hargrave (Pirates of the Caribbean trilogy) and designed by David Leitch (Bourne: Ultimatum, 300, V for Vendetta, Fight Club). After the job to kill Burke is complete the duo set off on several more jobs. At the end of one of them they discover that Dean had double-crossed them and had set up Harry to take a fall. Once this treachery is discovered the two of them decide to take out Dean for one final job of revenge.

Overall this movie knows what it is: a good action flick. With dialog like “I’m going to put a price on your head so big, that when you look in the mirror your reflection’s gonna want to shoot you in the face,” you know they are not vying for any kind of Oscar in writing. Instead the movie sticks with what you want out of an action movie; an easy to follow, predictable plot and great action.

click here or on the image above to see the trailer: http://www.themechanicmovie.com/

By admin

I love WP, Online Learning, Podcasting, Microsoft Office Applications, Video editing software, I can train on Mac OS X or Windows operating system, Web Design Software, Pasco Science probeware, iOS Devices, Web 2.0 Applications, Blogging

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