JUMP UP. Seniors Rowan Van Dyke and Jordan Long perform in the varsity cheer skit. photo/Caroline Casola
JUMP UP. Seniors Rowan Van Dyke and Jordan Long perform in the varsity cheer skit. photo/Caroline Casola

In the annual homecoming pep rally, Braves Brawl, the Senior Class Council won bragging rights over the other class councils, Student Government Association, cheerleaders and Bravettes. 

“What made the senior skit unique was that each of our personalities stood out. Each part showed a piece of us and who we are,” senior Makaila Reed said.

The seniors’ performance combined multiple aspects, such as comedy, tumbling, dance and acting. The running comedic incorporation of the phrase “Face to face, with a little space,” stood out the most and made both the judges and audience laugh.

Each team’s skit included the homecoming theme, Grease and showcased different dance moves.

The varsity cheerleaders won second place. The act featured a 50s diner theme and included an intricate pyramid, flips and classic dance moves. Using the Grease movie plotline, the girls captured the dramatic side of high school.

Taking third place, the Bravettes incorporated signature dance moves and the traditional cadence dance to the 50s time period. Their classic, long orange skirts or black and white outfits caught the judges’ eyes.

“My favorite part about performing [with the Bravettes] was seeing the fans’ reactions. It was a lot of fun. We practiced a lot and got together outside of practice to make sure everything was good to perform. I especially loved making the costumes,” sophomore Abigail Ruback said.

Although they did not win, the other acts kept the audience entertained. The Freshman, Sophomore and Junior Class Council’s skits highlighted 50s dances as well as current ones. In contrast, the freshman and junior varsity cheerleaders focused on the Boone/Edgewater rivalry.

“I loved how all the students came together to represent their group and enjoy a memorable time,” sophomore Amanda Smith said.

Win or lose, Braves Brawl brought students together to share a laugh and embrace school pride.

By Caroline Casola

This is my second year on staff. I am a Dachshund connoisseur and love rewatching episodes of Arrested Development. You can catch me at the springs or at a hole-in-the-wall restaurant.

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